Sage Mentorship Project
UC Berkeley's Largest One-on-One Elementary School Mentoring Program
Mentoring for Academic Credit
Interested in mentoring? The Sage Mentorship Project is right for you!
Not only is Sage a mentorship organization, but it doubles as a deCal (Psych 98/198) in which U.C. Berkeley student mentors can receive 1 unit for hours spent mentoring! Mentoring locations and hours are flexible.
Course Description: The Sage Mentorship Project is a one-on-one mentorship organization — the largest on UC Berkeley’s campus — created to address the major disconnect between tutoring and mentoring programs. Sage mentors aim to build meaningful connections with their mentees in order to support mentees academically, socially, and emotionally.
The Sage DeCal is worth 1 unit. The class and mentoring portions of the course will run concurrently throughout the semester, encouraging students to directly apply the lessons learned in class to issues that come up while mentoring. This DeCal offers UC Berkeley students a unique opportunity to critically engage in the theory and practice of education and the mentorship process while simultaneously applying it. Ultimately the DeCal aims to facilitate discussions about mentorship and education more broadly to best equip mentors with the tools to support their mentees.
This course will dive deep into education topics applicable today, discussing how each topic plays into mentorship and education. By the end of the course, we hope students can:
Develop the tools to form strong personal connections with the youths in our community
Think critically about the theory and practice of working with children
Learn and use pedagogical methods relevant to elementary-age students
Recognize the potential legal and ethical boundaries a mentor must navigate
Basic Unit distribution:
1 unit: 1 hour of mentoring per week & 1 hour of class per week.